Showing posts with label Mormon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mormon. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2013

5 ways to share the gospel online at Christmas time.

5. Send an E-card
 The following E-cards are available to be sent to friends (for Free) from Or you could pin them on Pinterest!
4. Share the Mormon messages video on the true meaning of Christmas. Place it on your facebook, google+ or tweet it out. In my opinion, this is one of the best Mormon message videos they have produced yet so SHARE IT. When you do please add short message of why you like the video... that will help more people watch it.
There are also other Christmas videos to be shared.
3. Change your cover image on facebook to this:
or post the following pictures
Visit the LDS app on facebook for additional images.
2. Invite a friend to watch the Christmas devotional.
1. Simply write your personal testimony of the Savior on facebook or google+ wall.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Share your faith on your Christmas Card

As we are in the Christmas season and people are making Christmas Cards to share online or via the mail. I thought I would share our postcard from last year. You can see below what we did but the missionary tool in it was that we put a QR Code on it and the address to our blog where we put together a video of our family acting out the Nativity. Also the front of the card was inspired by the church's theme on during that season. Put your mind to it and I am sure you will find a creative way to make your Christmas card into a missionary activity.