I will not be updating this site but instead will be working on . And working on youtube videos.
Ponderize LDS online missionary work https://youtu.be/OBt9Q0GHAkA
Use Yelp to find investigators https://youtu.be/U1QEewOW78Y
Need for google reviews on local LDS chapels https://youtu.be/QpkiLdGdVDU
Needs for Successful Local Search (advanced) https://youtu.be/AicUKVqPlNA
Youtube Success Story https://youtu.be/po9cazrrEYs
Click here for the new site on HOW TO LDS ONLINE MISSIONARY WORK.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Sunday, November 9, 2014
What is the life of a real online missionary like?
I found this post as I were searching in Google about online missionary work. I really did enjoy the article and gave me a new perspective on online missionary work. I think that if I were 19 again I would hope to serve in an online only mission. I really do think they do very effective work and I think you would really learn so much.
Here is the article
Warning: The author uses a few curse words.
Here is the article
Warning: The author uses a few curse words.
Friday, October 24, 2014
The Power of Wikipedia in Online Missionary Work
The power of Wikipedia in Online Missionary Work
If you are looking to make a large impact in your time spent
in online missionary work. May I suggest Wikipedia as one of the places where
you will make a big splash. Wikipedia is powerful because people are already
coming there for information. They are interested to learn and they are coming
by the thousands each and every day. This weekend I edit two post on Wikipedia
‘Miracles of Jesus’ and ‘Noah’. Miracles of Christ previously had no reference
to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or miracles in the Book of
Mormon and Noah only had one sentence in reference to church doctine.
How can I tell that it is powerful.
Wikipedia publishes statistics of how often each page is
viewed. If you are curious to see how many people will see your Wikipedia edit.
This is what to do. On the left bar of the page, click on page information.
Then scroll to the very bottom of that page information and
you will find page view statistics
This is what you will see.
So in the last 30 days, this article has been displayed an
average of over 2000 times per day.
Infographic Resume of Jesus Christ
Monday, October 13, 2014
Family video turned missionary work.
I made a video during Sunday general conference morning. It will be great for my kids to look back on plus I post it to my Facebook wall to share the goodness with the world.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
list of 101 ways to share the gospel
Ok, So i have not kept up this site well but I did find this amazing list of 101 ways to share the gospel and be an online missionary. He has some great ideas. Please read and act on them.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
A shout out to a local company.
My ward recently had an activity in which they had a Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine Rental. It tasted awesome and the youth all loved it making huge ice cream cones. I was more suprised when I found out that the company call DooDillys rented out the ice cream machine in Utah for free to all church groups. I was the one who returned the machine and so I asked them why they did it and they just said that they were LDS members who wanted to help build the kingdom of God anyway they could, but noted that even non-LDS church groups could get the machine for free. I thought it was awesome so I figured I would give a shout out to them.
Another article published about apps and social media tools to help spread the gospel
A BYU newspaper outlined ways that are used to share the gospel online.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
How to use Pinterest to Share the Gospel
Pinterest is a great way to share the gospel and is quickly becoming a huge player is the business world to get marketing and messaging out there. Stats show that more people spend more time on pinterest than they do on facebook or other social media. It is also a very non-threating way to share the gospel.
Step 1
Create a board.
You can title it anything you want. Many example would be
*Things I Believe
*Lds Church
*Mormon Quotes
*Why I am Happy
*Follow the Prophet
*Pinning the Gospel
Step 2.
REPIN church posts
One of the things that I have gotten in the habit of doing is checking what other people have pinned from the church sites. To do that click on these links
Those links will give you live feeds of what other people are linking back to the church so you can be sure that you are not missing anything you link. Another option would be to repin things off of someone elses church related boards.
Another option would be to create a church related like an infographic or picture. If you are creative or artistic please use your talent and create you own pins to share the gospel.
Step 1
Create a board.
You can title it anything you want. Many example would be
*Things I Believe
*Lds Church
*Mormon Quotes
*Why I am Happy
*Follow the Prophet
*Pinning the Gospel
Step 2.
REPIN church posts
One of the things that I have gotten in the habit of doing is checking what other people have pinned from the church sites. To do that click on these links
Those links will give you live feeds of what other people are linking back to the church so you can be sure that you are not missing anything you link. Another option would be to repin things off of someone elses church related boards.
Another option would be to create a church related like an infographic or picture. If you are creative or artistic please use your talent and create you own pins to share the gospel.
Hasten the work
online missionary
Share the Gospel
Social media
Sunday, December 15, 2013
5 ways to share the gospel online at Christmas time.
The following E-cards are available to be sent to friends (for Free) from Mormon.org/Christmas. Or you could pin them on Pinterest!
4. Share the Mormon messages video on the true meaning of Christmas. Place it on your facebook, google+ or tweet it out. In my opinion, this is one of the best Mormon message videos they have produced yet so SHARE IT. When you do please add short message of why you like the video... that will help more people watch it.
3. Change your cover image on facebook to this:
or post the following pictures
2. Invite a friend to watch the Christmas devotional.
1. Simply write your personal testimony of the Savior on facebook or google+ wall.
Missionary Work
Mormon messages
Share the Gospel
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Share your faith on your Christmas Card
As we are in the Christmas season and people are making Christmas Cards to share online or via the mail. I thought I would share our postcard from last year. You can see below what we did but the missionary tool in it was that we put a QR Code on it and the address to our blog where we put together a video of our family acting out the Nativity. Also the front of the card was inspired by the church's theme on lds.org during that season. Put your mind to it and I am sure you will find a creative way to make your Christmas card into a missionary activity.
Christmas Card
Christmas card idea
Hasten the work
Missionary Work
Share the Gospel
WHY I created this blog
I have a strong belief in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In fact, I love everything about the church. It really has led and guided my whole life. It has taught me how to stay out of trouble. It has taught me of the love of the Savior and the power of His atonement if I repent. Each day I try to live by the teachings of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and of the prophets in the scriptures. The love I have for the Savior and the belief that I have that this church will improve the life of anyone who is willing to learn about it, has led me to this overwhelming desire to share the gospel with others. Missionary work is very dear to my heart.
From March 2004-2006 I served as a full time missionary for the Church in Spain. I was assigned to multiple small towns that only had population of 20,000-30,000 people. I knocked on every door in all of those towns within 3 months. Most towns only had 2-10 active members and missionaries had been in those towns for 12 years already. I felt like no one was going to listen to us because they already had had missionaries knocking on there door 40 times before. Every door I knocked on caused my mind to reflect on ideas for another way- another effective way to do missionary work. After much pondering, I figured that our message must be taken to newspapers and media.
After I got home from my mission, I married my best friend and graduated with a doctorate in Audiology. 5 days ago we welcomed our fourth child into our home. Life has become busy with four small children, a full time job and other church callings, but my mind and heart are always reflecting on ways I can do effective missionary work. The Hastening The Work Broadcast was thrilling to me. I remember cheering inside of my heart when Elder Perry said the era of knocking on doors and contacting in the street were over and that full time missionaries were now allowed to use the internet.
I believe that the internet is a huge way that the church will fulfill prophecies on missionary work. But in order for those prophecies to be fulfilled, members need to be trained on how to use the internet in missionary work. Therefore, I felt inspired to share all the ideas that I have found to share the gospel online. As always, I welcome any comments and your ideas on online missionary work.
From March 2004-2006 I served as a full time missionary for the Church in Spain. I was assigned to multiple small towns that only had population of 20,000-30,000 people. I knocked on every door in all of those towns within 3 months. Most towns only had 2-10 active members and missionaries had been in those towns for 12 years already. I felt like no one was going to listen to us because they already had had missionaries knocking on there door 40 times before. Every door I knocked on caused my mind to reflect on ideas for another way- another effective way to do missionary work. After much pondering, I figured that our message must be taken to newspapers and media.
After I got home from my mission, I married my best friend and graduated with a doctorate in Audiology. 5 days ago we welcomed our fourth child into our home. Life has become busy with four small children, a full time job and other church callings, but my mind and heart are always reflecting on ways I can do effective missionary work. The Hastening The Work Broadcast was thrilling to me. I remember cheering inside of my heart when Elder Perry said the era of knocking on doors and contacting in the street were over and that full time missionaries were now allowed to use the internet.
I believe that the internet is a huge way that the church will fulfill prophecies on missionary work. But in order for those prophecies to be fulfilled, members need to be trained on how to use the internet in missionary work. Therefore, I felt inspired to share all the ideas that I have found to share the gospel online. As always, I welcome any comments and your ideas on online missionary work.
Donate to the church by using Smile.Amazon.com
Amazon.com has put out a new thing called smile.amazon.com. It's the EXACT same website, but with one small difference: instead of Amazon giving google (or whatever site you came to Amazon from) giving a kickback- at smile.amazon.com, they give that 0.5% kickback to a charity of your choice and I am giving to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (They were on the list of charities to choose from). So, if you can change your shopping from amazon.com to smile.amazon.com, you can give that kickback to a charity instead of google or whomever. Anyway, spread the word about smile.amazon.com!!!!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
New articles related to online missionary work and blogging
Here is a list of recent articles in the news about missionary work and how blogging is a missionary tool.
Tips for LDS bloggers from the 'ultimate blog' — the Book of Mormon
Open, honest and vulnerable: one blogger's journey
Entering the world of LDS blogging
LDS Boston blogs used as a missionary tool
Blogging bishops: 2 Mormon men talk about sharing the gospel online
Tips for LDS bloggers from the 'ultimate blog' — the Book of Mormon
Open, honest and vulnerable: one blogger's journey
Entering the world of LDS blogging
LDS Boston blogs used as a missionary tool
Blogging bishops: 2 Mormon men talk about sharing the gospel online
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Share the Gospel Online infograph
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I created this poster (and this blog) in hopes that it could be spread around pinterest or facebook to help people understand some ideas on how to share the gospel online. I was inspired by the infographics that the church has done (see here). Obviously, I am not a professional and never took an advertising class, I would love to see if anyone else could create something better.
I feel that so often people do not understand what is effective and what is not effective in online missionary work. Someday, I intend to write a blog on all I know but as of now I don't know a lot so I am doing what I can to teach other members what I do know about sharing the gospel online.
The way I see missionary work is broken into two categories:
First, by going to other people and preaching to them. This would be traditionally knocking on doors or contacting in the street. If we convert this into an online setting this would be sending facebook friends invites to Mormon.org or repeatedly sharing Mormon messages or other gospel related things without a personal note. Success from this is probably very limited.
On the other hand the second category that I believe is more successful is when people search us out to learn the gospel and we teach from what they are interested in. Traditionally, this would be when friends ask members questions or when someone randomly shows up at church. I think this happens online when people search in google and they find a site in what they are interested in and then read about it. That is why I think Elder Ballard has spoken often about blogging because then readers would be coming to you instead of you going to them.
However, we need people to spread links online for the church websites and other church oriented sites because it will optimize those links for google searches. So even if you just sharea facebook post or pin things on pinterest it will help others find the church on google searches more often.
But there are many ways to share the gospel and so I tried to create this poster and this blog to teach some of the other ways.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Giving the free gift of an app for this Christmas Season
For this wonderful Christmas Season. A wonderful easy gift to give someone is an app for the church.
This can be simply done through itunes, Google apps store and probably many other apps stores that you use.
The bible video app would be awesome Christmas gift as it is all about Christ. Any church app would be a great gift for co-workers, past friends, or even your dentist. I hope that you will find joy in giving apps as it is so easy to do.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Facebook Ad campaigns
The blog that I mentioned early this week had an interesting comment on it:
The commenter name Keith Heid said: "Have you all noticed the Ads Manager on the left side of your Facebook Page? For very little money you can make up some church related ads and link to official church pages. I have been running one on free Book of Mormons with links to: http://mormon.org/free-book-of-mormon You can target any country or city in the world.
I also just ran an ad linking to Mormon.org the plan of happiness. I targeted Ireland, Fuji and Botswana, it gave 37,000 impressions on facebook, 14 clicked through to the church website. And the cost? only $1.
Owner of the blog, Andy Proctor, responded. "Keith thank you for your suggestion. This is great. I'm so glad you have gone the extra mile to do this - although no member is expected to pay for a facebook campaign.
I felt that I should share this idea as I am trying to create a collection of many ideas of things that can be done. I think that this is a great idea but I agree with Andy in that you can do many missionary activities online without any need to spend money.
However, running an ad will probably reach people that would not be reached in other ways, however, the down side would be once your funding runs out it will be removed from the internet forever, while if you put it on a blog it will likely remain their for a long long time.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
A note on SEO for your blog and inspiration
Tonight, I was searching the internet and found a post that I really enjoyed reading from thereturnedmissionary.com. The author, who appears to have much experience in the industry, outlines what you can do to help other church websites be found more or how you can help your own blog be found more.
This is a great read. Well worth your time.
Read it here http://www.thereturnedmissionary.com/onlinemissionarywork/
This is a great read. Well worth your time.
Read it here http://www.thereturnedmissionary.com/onlinemissionarywork/
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Book of Mormon challenge: Mormons share 2-minute testimonies on YouTube
A recent Deseret News article (found here) detailed how a member of the church only found negative videos about the Book of Mormon on youtube. He decided to do something about it. Read the article and help him out!
President Benson said: "The time is long overdue for a massive flooding of the earth with the Book of Mormon for the many reasons which the Lord has given. In this age of the electronic media and the mass distribution of the printed word, God will hold us accountable if we do not now move the Book of Mormon in a monumental way.
"We have the Book of Mormon, we have the members, we have the missionaries, we have the resources and the world has the need. The time is now!"
President Benson said: "The time is long overdue for a massive flooding of the earth with the Book of Mormon for the many reasons which the Lord has given. In this age of the electronic media and the mass distribution of the printed word, God will hold us accountable if we do not now move the Book of Mormon in a monumental way.
"We have the Book of Mormon, we have the members, we have the missionaries, we have the resources and the world has the need. The time is now!"
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